Conor Molloy

Welcome to my homepage! I am a writer and narrative with experience in creating branching or open narrative content for tabletop and video game RPGs, and I also have experience working in the gaming industry, where I specialise in understanding how to implement narrative design to meet player needs and behaviours. I believe that players are at their most engaged when the worlds they feel their actions and presence has genuine consequences, and so I aim to provide players the freedom to roleplay and explore content from as many approaches as possible.

In my career I have gained experience working in the gaming industry and collaborating across different teams and look forward to bringing this into my future roles.

In my free time I am a Professional Game Master for a pay-to-play company based in London, where I contribute to running games for both new and established worlds, designing experiences that cater to all types of players and presenting a cohesive world across all game tables. I have been a D&D GM for 7+ years and have designed a series of campaigns and love to learn more about the storytelling possibilities that the system can bring about.

I welcome peer review, so please reach out if you have any comments and I will respond as quick as I can.